ALGES started a collaboration with CIREN in prediction of edaphoclimatic variables

The collaboration consists of the elaboration of spatio-temporal models for climate and edaphoclimatic variables, it’s important to model these variables because of the impact that have in soils quality. CIREN has shared some interesting databases in order to start the work of modeling.

Some milestones achieved so far:

  1. A memorandum of understanding (MoU) is in process to be signed.
  2. A proof of concept was performed using pluviometric data belonging to El Maule. These results are being improved with the goal of publishing a scientific paper.
  3. An application for the last Fondef IT contest was sent. In this proposal Miguel Lagos (Researcher of the Water and Sustainability group), María Jesús Lazcando (MsC student at CR2) and The Water General Direction (DGA) joined the collaboration. The project entitled “Geostatistical tools and artificial intelligence for edaphoclimatic and meteorological variables modeling in soil preservation plans and desertification mitigation”, which its main goal is to offer modeling tools for these variables with high spatial resolution and precision. These tools will be available for organizations and individual users in Chile.