
Our News & Events

ALGES started a collaboration with IDIEM using hyper spectral estimation system in 6 kind of materials

The collaboration with IDIEM has been explosive and very positive. We are carrying out 6 tests with different materials provided by IDIEM using the hyper spectral technology. The system which has been successfully tested with several mining operations between 2019 and 2020, is useful for quick estimation of variables that characterize a sample since its physical and chemical properties.

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ALGES started a collaboration with CIREN in prediction of edaphoclimatic variables

The collaboration consists of the elaboration of spatio-temporal models for climate and edaphoclimatic variables, it’s important to model these variables because of the impact that have in soils quality. CIREN has shared some interesting databases in order to start the work of modeling.

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Fondef funding for Incorporation of geological uncertainty for risk analysis in mine planning.

Fabián Soto, member of ALGES, part of Department of Mining Engineering and The Advanced Technology Center was awarded with Fondef funding of the IDeA I+D contest called “Incorporation of geological uncertainty for risk analysis in mine planning”, whose main goal is to incorporate the risk analysis in mine planning through the consideration of the geological uncertainty.

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