ANDES: The High-Performance Estimation and Geostatical Simulation Software


ANDES is a software that allows rapid modeling of natural resources, supported by a simple interface. Access to tools and data loading are agile and comfortable. The execution of estimation algorithms and geostatistical simulation executed using cutting-edge parallel computing technology, using all the computing power available. In ANDES you can:

  1. Manage and visualize spatial data.
  2. Perform exploratory data analysis.
  3. Carry out variographic analysis.
  4. Build a block model using kriging and other estimation algorithms.
  5. Quantify the geological uncertainty by means of the turning band simulation algorithm.

The main application of ANDES is the modeling of natural resources, such as:

  1. Mineral Resources.
  2. Oil and Petroleum.
  3. Forest Resources.
  4. Resources in agriculture

Other applications also include: Geology, Geophysics, Aquaculture, Hydrogeology, Environment, Ecology, and Oceanography.

ANDES has been developed with financing from CORFO and Fondef and has had the support of several companies in the technology and mining industry: Innovaxxión, Opciones Sistemas de Información and BHP.

ANDES will allow you to understand and identify how the variables under study are distributed over the space and how have related each other, by means of the several graphical and geographical tools. You will be able to define the estimation units, and with it, support geological modeling decisions through statistical and geostatistical analysis.